MVC Tutorial
What is MVC MVC is an alternative for Web Application. MVC - Model View Controller is framework to develope web based application. It is another way to create web based application. The best part of this framework is that it seperate the application into three following parts:-
This layer is the logic part of application. In this layer we create bussiness logic of application , logic to interact with database.
This layer is the presentation layer. This is the User Interface of application.
This layer is the mediator between model and view.Controller handles all user input and requests in MVC. It helps to fetch data from view. Controller also helps to displays the output on view.
Advantages of MVC
- MVC is light weight and provide support for Test Driven Development.
- As it seperate the application logic so complexity of code manage easily.
- As it support Routing so URL Mapping manages easily.
MVC Tutorial for Beginner
MVC Tutorial with example. Before starting this mvc tutorial you must have knowledge of , C#, linQ ,and entityframework. I have categoriezed this mvc tutorial in different module. If you are new to mvc or you dont have any knowledge of mvc then this tutorial will help you to start from basics. The topics which I have covered in this tutorial are Controller, View, Routing, Data Sharing from view to controller and controller to view, Razor, HTML Heler Class, Model, Validation, Master Page, Partial View, scaffolding , ajax,area , Authentication, web api etc with example.
MVC Tutorials Links
- Mvc Controller
- Mvc View
- MVC get and post
- Action in form tag
- Routing in mvc
- Pass Value from View to Controller
- MVC form collection
- Request object in mvc
- HttpGet and HttpPost
- How to get version in mvc
- Razor view engine
- How to declare variable in mvc
- If else and loop in razor
- Viewdata in mvc
- Viewbag in mvc
- Tempdata
- Htmlhelper class in mvc
- Htmlhelper radiobutton and password
- Actionlink in mvc
- Dropdown in mvc
- Custom htmlhelper
- Mvc model
- Strongly view in mvc
- in mvc
- Data passing using model
- Updatemodel in mvc
- Nullable type in mvc
- Scaffolding list using linq
- Scaffolding create using linq
- Scaffolding edit using linq
- Scaffolding details using linq
- Scaffolding delete using linq
- Scaffolding list using enity framework
- Scaffolding create using entity framework
- Scaffolding edit using entity framework
- Scaffolding details using entity framework
- Scaffolding delete using entity framework
- Required validation in mvc
- Range and compare validation in mvc
- Regular Expression Validation in mvc
- Mvc string length
- Mvc master page
- Viewstart in mvc
- Mvc partial view
- Partial view calling
- Dropdown list binding using ajax
- Css implementation in mvc
- Form based authentication
- Allow anonymous filter
- Mvc area
- How to display image in mvc
- Web api implementation in mvc
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