The jQuery utility methods are useful for doing routine programming tasks. The utility methods uses $.namespace.For form validation we commonly use 3 utility methods.
1) empty: – The empty() method helps to check if an element has a value or not.
2) exists: – The exists() method can be used to check whether or not the specified elements exist in the DOM tree.
3) isNullOrEmpty: – This function calls the exists and empty functions internally and can be used in both aforementioned contexts.
Eg: –
/*! | @ Utility methods to check whether or not an element exists in the DOM | and if it has a value or not. | @Require: jQuery library | @author : kos | @url : | @license : Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL) | @license url : */ (function($) { /*! | @ Check if an input element has value | @return boolean */ $.fn.empty = function() { if ( $.trim(this.val()) == ‘‘ ) { return true; } else { return false; } }; /*! | @ Check if an element exists in the DOM | @return boolean */ $.fn.exists = function() { return ((this.length > 0) ? true : false); } /*! | @ Check if an element exists in the DOM and if it has a value. | This method combines the two aforementioned methods. | @return boolean */ $.fn.isNullOrEmpty = function() { if ( ! this.exists() ) { return true; } if ( this.empty() ) { return true; } return false; } })(jQuery);
The below example show how to use the utility code: – Eg: –
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=“Content-Type” content=“text/html; charset=utf-8” /> <title>jQuery utility methods for form validation</title> <script src=“jquery.js”></script> <script src=“jquery.empty.js”></script> <script> jQuery(document).ready(function() { //# check if the elements exists if ( ! $(‘#username’).exists() || ! $(‘#password’).exists() || ! $(‘#submit’).exists()) { alert(‘The form is invalid!’); } $(‘#login_form’).submit(function() { if ($(‘#username’).empty()) { alert(‘Username is required!’); return false; } if ($(‘#password’).empty()) { alert(‘Password is required!’); return false; } }); }); </script> </head> <body> <form> @@ To test for isNullOrEmpty() just delete one or both @@ of the following inputs. <label>Username: <input type=“text” name=“username” id=“username” /></label> <label>Password: <input type=“password” name=“password” id=“password” /></label> <p> <input id=“submit” type=“submit” value=“Submit” /> </p> </form> </body> </html>
Other utilities
1) .trim(): – This method removes leading and trailing whitespaces.
Eg: –
$.trim(‘ lots of extra whitespace ‘); // It will return huge number of extra spaces.
2) .each(): – .each() method iterates over objects and arrays.
Eg: –
$.each([‘apple’,’banana’,’peach’], function(index, value) { console.log(‘index: ‘ + index + ‘ value: ‘ + value); } ); $.each({ firstname : ‘laurent’, lastname : ‘tonon’ }, function(key, value) { console.log(key + ‘ : ‘ + value); } );
3) .inArray(): – It checks if a value is contained in an array. If found it returns the value’s index of the array. Returns -1 if the value is not found. Eg: –
var myArray = [ 23, 46, 31, 12 ]; if ($.inArray(31, myArray) !== -1) { console.log(‘found it!’); }
4) .extend(): – This method helps the merging mechanism. This method merges the first passed object using the properties of the other passed objects as arguments. Eg: –
var myFirstObject = { fruit : ‘apple’, vegetable: ‘carrot’ }; var mySecondObject = { fruit : ‘banana’ }; var resultingObject = $.extend(myFirstObject, mySecondObject); console.log(myFirstObject.fruit); console.log(resultingObject.fruit);
5) .type(): – This function will return the built in javaScript type for the object. The mainly used jQuery return types are boolean, number, string, function, array, date, regexp, null, undefined, object.
Eg: –
$(document).ready(function() { var iVal = 12; $.type(iVal); //number iVal = ‘jQuery’; $.type(iVal); //string } );
6) .trim(): – trim() method removes white spaces from beginning and end of the string. Eg: –
$(document).ready(function() { var str = ‘ jquery by example ‘; str = $.trim(str); } );
A JQuery utility uses three different methods to determine the type of a variable. They are,
1) $.isFunction():- The object is a function it return the true.
2) $.isPlainObject(): – Check to see if an object is a plain object.
Eg: –
jQuery.isPlainObject({}) // true
jQuery.isPlainObject(“test”) // false
3) $.isArray(): – Returns true if the object is an array.
Eg: –
var arrFirst = [50, 22, 10, 19, 22, 10];
var isArray = $.isArray(arrFirst);
4) $.isEmptyObject(Object): – It returns true if the object doesn’t define any methods or properties.
Eg: –
var arrFirst = [50, 22, 10, 19, 22, 10];
var isObject = $.isEmptyObject(arrFirst);
5) $.isNumeric(Object): – This method returns true if the object is a number.
Eg: –
var num = 1;
var isNumeric = $.isNumeric(num);
6) $.isWindow(Object): Object is a Window this function will return true.
Eg: –
var isFrame = $(“#objFrm”);
7) $.isXMLDoc(Object): – The object is an XML document this function return the true value.
Eg: –
$(document).ready(function() {
$.isXMLDoc(document) // false
$.isXMLDoc(document.body) // false
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